Saturday, June 12, 2021

10 Jun 21 - Camper Vent Replacement & Broken Ladder

The Fantastic Fan on the camper was finally acting up enough to need replacing.
Well actually I bought this fan to put in the bathroom, that fan needs replacing also.  But 6 inches behind the bathroom fan is a vent pipe sticking thru the roof.  With this fan and the way it overhangs the back of the hole it won't fit in the bathroom so it got put in the living/kitchen hole.
The fan when it closes lowers to within 1/2 inch of the roof.
A couple of hours of work and the new fan is in and working.
On our last trip where we hooked the cable I noticed the ladder at the 3rd wrung from the top starting to flex pretty badly.  Well today one of the poles broke and then the second one snapped. 
I removed the ladder and was going to turn some wooden oak dowels to put inside the pipes, but I had a metal handle that just fit inside the pipes.  So I cut 2 one foot pieces and slipped them into the pipes and use some self tapping screws to hold it all together.  Job is done!


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