Tuesday, June 8, 2021

28 May 21 - Camper Ladder Damage

On the 28th Kathy and I were backing into a RV site at a horse farm and hooked the comcast cable running to the owners house.  We damaged the top of the ladder that was mounted to the roof.  Once the cable released from the ladder it cracked a roof vent cover.  So it now had to be removed from the roof and fixed.
31 May 21 - I removed the top of the ladder from the roof and had to straighten it out, it bent the only wrung on it. 
I put some good sealing tape on the original mounting location to help seal the holes in the roof.
Finished project.  It is much sturdier that it was when I took it off.
When we returned to the same spot on the 6th the comcast cable was still very low.  They company was supposed to come bury the cable when it was first installed.  The owner of the farm was not upset that we hooked it. 

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